Project Arrow starts August 28

White arrow on blue brick

Welcome to Cowlishaw Project Arrow!

I’m Mr. Cook, the new PA teacher at Cowlishaw. I’ve been teaching fourth and fifth grade at May Watts for the best seven years and am excited to become a Koala.

Project Arrow begins for grades 3 through 5 on Monday, Aug. 28, 2023 — and I am excited to see all of the PA scholars. You can view the schedule here.

In PA, we will be using a three-ring binder to help take notes and keep materials organized. If you are able to supply a three ring binder (1 inch or larger, preferably), it would be appreciated. This does not need to be brand new or a specific color or style. If you do chose to supply one, please label it using a permanent marker on the front with your student’s full name, homeroom abbreviation (e.g. 5A) and “Project Arrow.”

It would also be helpful if you could supply a five-tab letter index divider set such as this. It does not need to be this exact set. Any brand is fine. The colors of the tabs do not matter. You can use ones with the slide-in tab inserts or ones that you write directly on the tab. Please do not label tabs. If you are able to fill the binder with wide rule three-hole punched notebook paper, that would be helpful as well.

Please note that none of these supplies are required. I have a limited supply of these items, but not enough for every student, so anything you can send would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at

I look forward to meeting everyone and for a great year in PA!

Thanks again,

Mr. Cook

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